Saturday, April 28, 2012

Jardin des Tuileries

1. Hummingbird- Seals & Crofts

"How many Napoleons flew to freedom from Empire- only to perish," thought the Count. He glanced poignantly at Susan Lei as she walked along the garden sidewalk- another Princess of Revolution to be buried in history. But in a small universe of spring she remained a simple creature of beauty- part Asian, part African & part Polynesian. Her father was I.M. Lei, the famed architect schooled by the Empire- but an architect who designed buildings constructed with new composite materials created by the Foundation. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Perpetual Motion

1. Crackerbox Palace- George Harrison

"7%? Is that all?" asked Susan Lei, as if a disappointed bride on her wedding night.
The Spanish ambassador shrugged & the Count smiled in a bemused manner. After all, the short term movements in stocks & bonds were of no great concern to the Count- he played upon the stage of longer &  historic spans of time. Speaking of which,
"This long term refinancing operation, it reminds me of a perpetual motion machine." 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

First Day Of Spring

1. Here Comes The Sun- Beatles

"Waves of emotion change faster than the weather- but they follow patterns..." said Layla, casually brushing back her blonde hair.

"Yes, like waves on a pond- but those patterns change unpredictably when a pebble is tossed into the pond." said Mark.

"Yes, that's true- but the changed wave pattern is still a solution of the wave equation for the pond- just a different solution from the one before." said Layla in return.

"But if you can't predict how long a wave pattern will last, you can't predict much of anything!" said Mark.

Layla stirred in her chair.

"But what if we enlarge our system to include all information- that is suppose there really are no pebbles beyond our system, only unknown influence from the part of the pond we cannot see- then we would have one endogenous solution of the wave equation for all time- we just wouldn't know which one because we can't see all of the pond- we can only make educated guesses about which solution we are looking at based on the part of the wave pattern we can see." said Layla. And then she stirred her coffee with a silver spoon as she contemplated her imprecise analogy.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Eve Of Easter


1. The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine- Spoon


As if a drunkard rising after the dead of night, the Count awakened to the tune of sweet birds. Every morning offered its divine chance of redemption, every evening the realization of the day's possibility.